Added pokedex
to my projects!
Howdy! I'm making a real life pokedex
Not rlly, tho I am making a program where you can search up pokemon info
It's bcs of a school project, but also i just think I can rlly expend this into something rlly cool
Alright this is rlly it for today then.
See ya later! <3
01-31-2025, 08:11AM EST
Updated About page!
Howdy! I've updated the general navigation thingy
(as you can see on the left side of the screen.)
I've also added links to the social media platforms I use,
A.k.a Bluesky and Tumblr. Note that to follow either ya have to be 18+!
Thats it for this update, if my schedules correct, I'll have another update later!
See ya later! <3
01-31-2025, 07:19AM EST
Made Projects Page!!!
I've created the project page, here I'll put all the projects im working on!
Rn I'm not rlly working on something besides this website,
but I am definately looking forward to getting to new stuff!!!
Also whenever I make an update about a certain project,
for example an update for this website (Like the update you're reading now ;3)
I will make the Type Button clickable, so you can Immidiatly see what project the update is talking 'bout!!!
Thats it for today, I rlly hope I get to working on new projects!!!
See ya later! <3
01-30-2025, 07:44AM EST
Play MindWave
I have nothing interesting to say, so
That's it for today ig, I will do stuff when I feel like it,
See ya later! <3
Type: Blatant Advertisement
01-28-2025, 07:16AM EST
I'm back
Howdy, I appologize for not posting for a WHILE, don't worry,
I wasn't sick that long, while I was sick I didn't post, and since
I was sick for a bit, updating my site slowly got out of my routine.
After I got better I didn't feel like I had any motivation to post anymore
so I stopped, but since I used this site to let out my creativity
I slowly throughout the month started to feel like i was gonna explode since
I didn't do anything creative anymore, and that's why I'm here again.
I'm not sure how things are gonna go next, but I'll try to start posting here once again.
See ya later! <3
Type: Update
01-25-2025, 11:29AM EST
Sick :[
Howdy, sorry for not posting for a bit, im kinda sick rn,
I can barely swallow anything without it feeling like what
scratching on a schoolboard sounds like, it sucks :'[
I'm not posting or working on this site
until I feel better,
im not even coding this on my laptop, just
doing it on my phone cuz im too lazy to put my laptop on mah lap :[
I'll post a quick response the moment i feel better, so ya know when im back.
See ya later! <3
Type: Update
12-15-2024, 3:45PM EST
I made a button you can use if you want to link to my page!!!

I know it doesnt look that good, but i haven't rlly ever drawn on laptop before, so this is completely new to me :p
I hope it gets used, i love it whenever someone interacts with this page, so seeing my button on someone else's page would be a dream come tru!
I'll also put the button on my about me page, so it'll be easy to find!!!
See ya later! <3
Type: Daily Update
12-10-2024, 3:26PM EST
Okay so I was on Jirachis Website:
And I saw this little box where people could send messages, and i inspected it and THERES JUST A WEBSITE THAT LETS YOU UPLOAD A CHATROOM TO YOUR WEBSITE!!!!
And now I have this little thing in the corner of my website:

So now if you ever feel the need to send me a message, you know where to do it!!! >;3
See ya later! <3
Type: Site Update
12-09-2024, 1:06PM EST
Fixed layout (2/3)
Alright! This page is finished too! I wanted to find a way to include the navbar but since
phone space is so cramped there wasnt rlly a good way too, tho it does look rlly good this way imo!!!

Instead of being able to go anywhere, you can just use the home button to go back to the main menu,
if you have any idea how to improve this page, phone-style or otherwise, please let me know! I love feedback to my stuff!!! X3
See ya later! <3
Type: Site Update
12-09-2024, 11:19AM EST
Fixed layout (1/3)
I've been thinking and before I create the Project page, I want to redo the layout of all the other pages.
It's not gonnna be anything big, just that if you view this page on ur phone or on different screen sizes,
it still looks good!
I've already finished the main menu! Now if you go to it with your phone or
change your window size it will still look presentable! This is how it should look on phone:

I'll work on this page next, but class is starting again so it will have to wait!
See ya later! <3
Type: Site Update
12-09-2024, 5:05AM EST
I forgot the little thingies on the original album cover so I added them real quick:

See ya later! <3
Type: Daily update
12-08-2024, 3:54PM EST
Daily Update!
Howdy! Today was kinda meh but I've hung up a new poster in my room!!!

Also I've just finished Sparky's World 7+ hour long Sonic Cd video
and it's honestly one of the best video's I've watched this year!!!
Go watch it yourself if you're interested:
Cuz of this video I got inspired to make a 1920 x 1080 img of the sonic cd soundtrack original cover!

bcs of the bigger space the picture felt rlly empty,
but i wanted to use it as a desktop wallpaper and ig my files will fill up the empty space so its perfect!!! :3
Thats kinda all ive done today, I'll be working on the project tab later, whenever I feel like it ig ;P
See ya later! <3
Type: Daily update
12-08-2024, 3:30PM EST
Profile page is finished!!!
I finally finished the profile page!
I added a description and everything!!!

I'm gonna take a well deserved rest now!!! I earned it! >:33
See ya later! <3
Type: Daily update
12-06-2024, 1:01PM EST

If I dont die of boredom in a few minutes then ig,
See ya later! <3
Type: Random
12-06-2024, 5:36AM EST

See ya later! <3
Type: Daily Update
12-05-2024, 5:18PM EST
Quick Update 2:
Electric Boogaloo!
I didn't change much today aside from a little loading thing for my page when the mlp and fnaf gifs are loading
so peeps dont think its broken.
I had a lot of homework today so I didn't have much time to work on the website today,
but tomorrow I should be good, so I'll finish the profile page tomorrow!!! >:]
See ya later! <3
Type: Daily Update
12-04-2024, 4:49PM EST
Quick Update!
I changed my pfp on discord and everywhere to Trixie MLP.
Idk, I was just thinking more about trixie then sifffring rn,
but thats it!
See ya later! <3
Type: Daily Update
12-03-2024, 3:11AM EST
IM SORRY I WAS BUSY YESTERDAY AND FORGOR, but also I didnt do anything yesterday,
I had a busy day and didn't have time to work on the website.
I appologize for not being that active, lifes just being a little mean right now ;-;
But I'll be fine and posting more if I feel a bit better again,
I promise I'll either work on the user description today or tomorrow!!!
See ya later! <3
Type: (late) Daily Update
12-03-2024, 2:54AM EST
Daily Update!
its sunday i didnt do shit today lmao
See ya later! <3
Type: Daily Update
12-01-2024, 1:36PM EST
My Profile Page!
I've been working on my profile page!!! I've filled in the basic info and learned how to make a slideshow thingy with images!!!

Its not done yet, I'm planning on making a description too and everything, but im tired for today so thats gonna be it for today!!!
See ya later! <3
Type: Daily Update
11-30-2024, 3:00PM EST
Bussiness idea
I have an idea on how nintendo could've sold million copies of Wario land shake it:

Hire me nintendo for the names im great at this stuff, trust me :33
Also Sega shouldve called it sonic leashed it wouldve catered to so many more audiences
See ya later! <3
Type: Random
11-30-2024, 9:44AM EST
Daily update!
I haven't rlly been doing much lately, tho I HAVE started watching the amazing world of gumball recently and its been pretty fun,
honestly a rlly underrated show! If you haven't seen it then I highly recommend you do!!!

That's it for now! Sorry I haven't been working much on this website, specifically my profile,
but life's just a bit too tiring rn ;-;
Welp, that's everything for today!!! I'll try to finish my profile page tomorrow after work!!!
See ya later! <3
Type: Daily update
11-29-2024, 4:14PM EST
Work update!
I just wanna say, programming while listening to
sonic music is like ADHD heaven for me,
my brain is solving puzzles while listening to the best tunes on planet earth (and planet whisp ;] (I'm sorry))
Like I have to make a calender in C# with accurate styling, and its so fun to me!
And having THIS in the background???

Heaven, literally heaven.
I'm writing this while im on break rn so i gtg again!
See ya later! <3
Type: Random
11-28-2024, 4:52AM EST
My doodles!!!
Here are some doodles I made, I know theyre not that good but i'm trying to improve!!!

The first picture is just me trying to draw random stuff, the second one is of mr bionicle himself and some doodles i did after school
The third one is me trying to draw Siffrin from hit game:
And the fourth one is a drawing of mimikyu!!! idk why i just felt like drawing mimikyu!
Thats all for now, I'll be posting more whenever I draw more!
See ya later! <3
Type: Art/Doodles
11-28-2024, 2:36AM EST
Sonic book >:33
I didn't just make the picture a random sonic notebook btw,
I do actually have this book
Be jealous NERDS!!! >:33333

Nah but this is mostly where i'll be drawing in,
I'll post the doodles I already made later, but for rn here's proof im super epic and based and awesome!!!
See ya later! <3
Type: Random
11-27-2024, 5:49PM EST
My first post!
Hello!!! My name is Forrest and this is gonna be my personal journal to keep!
Here I'll mostly post about:
- Updates about my life!
- Pictures and drawings I made for fun! :3
- And personal projects im working on!
Ill try to post here whenever I have time!
See ya later! <3
Type: Update
11-27-2024, 1:44PM EST